Retiring early

Some people have to retire because of ill health; others choose to retire early.

Read the following sections to find out how your benefits are affected if you take them early in different circumstances.

If you retire at any age through ill health, you’ll be eligible to receive the actual amount of the Cash Balance benefit you’ve built up to that point – i.e. not reduced to reflect early payment.

The Company decides whether you meet the test for ill health.  Broadly, it requires a permanent inability to do your job based on a medical opinion.

In addition to the above benefit, you may receive extra payments from the Company – please contact your HR Service Centre to find out about these.

After you’ve reached 55, your employer may allow you to choose early retirement.

If you do retire early, the benefits built up to date in your Cash Balance fund will be reduced because they are being paid early.

Get in touch with the Pension Service Centre to find out more – contact details below.

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If you don’t know which section you’re in, contact the Helpline (contact details are at the bottom of the page); or If you recieve an Annual Benefit Illustration the section is noted on the front page.